Steel constructions

We help you throughout the process with our expertise and capacity.

We construct and supply steel constructions for a wide range of industries and therefore have a lot of experience in assisting with the entire process from the drawing board to the final fitting. We focus on making the process as rational as possible. Therefore, our workshop facilities and machinery are designed to be able to handle very large workpieces and assignments and we have the professional expertise and capacity to see the projects through.

We can assist you with construction in all metals and we supply the quality documentation that you want.

Please contact Leif Ove Wøhlk, tel. +45 22696887 or to hear specifically which steel constructions we can offer you.

No two assignments are the same

"This is probably the best professional challenge of my job. One day, I am working on special tools for the wind turbine industry, the next day on footbridges for aggressive environments. I usually tell my men that the customer should be able to recognize our products because of the excellent finish – regardless of the product."

Leif Ove Wøhlk, Project Manager
Tlf. +45 22 69 68 87